2009年8月26日 星期三

LIVE for LOVE 存為愛 Talking the Walk

On Wednesday evening, August 26, I just attended a very meaningful function called "Talking the Walk" for the support of the"LIVE to LOVE 存為愛" campaign held in Kuala Lumpur. "LIVE to LOVE 存為愛", 很有意義, 也譯得很貼切很好.

2009年8月19日 星期三

工傷 合法救命草 香港工人健康中心 小組互動 再培訓課程

工傷好慘, 健康, 生計, 家庭, 子女, 經濟, 以後,…
邊度有救命草? 要合法的, 不是那些什麼”包攬訴訟”的.
香港工人健康中心, 為香港社會服務聯會及公益金會員,成立於一九八四年。中心由專科醫生、復康治療師、職業安全健康專業人士及社會工作者組成,是一個關注職業健康的專業社會服務團體。
中心與僱員再培訓局合作,為工傷及職業病的員工提供就業再培訓服務,當中包括職業康復、就業輔導及技能訓練,於完成有關再培訓課程後,協助尋找合適的工作。此外,中心的就業主任亦會定期聯繫僱主,開拓就業網絡。參加資格:- 工傷或患有職業病的工友;及 - 需要重新尋找工作的工友。費用全免
查詢服務電話 27253996

2009年8月15日 星期六

"bad luck" and "bad attitude" --- luck attitude resort Phillipines

This afternoon, I attended a talk. One point is very good, I share with you. The speaker talked about "bad luck" and "bad attitude". What had happened to us are facts that one cannot change, no matter it is luck or not luck. What one can control is our attitude towards what had happened.

Her experience is --- she and her family took a vacation at a sea-shore resort in Phillipines. One night, robber got in her house and stole valuable things. Bad luck, right? First good thing, they were not waken up by the noise, otherwise they would definitely get hurt by the robber. Second good thing, even better, they decided to move out to another resort house. Two days later, a sea-side storm just washed away the whole resort house that they first lived in.

2009年8月5日 星期三

香港 中學 會考 放榜 會考放榜 失落 鼓舞 錦囊 HKCE HKCEE Depression

今天是2009年8月5日, 香港中學會考放榜的大日子.
你身邊有沒有人今年參加會考呢? 你關心他/她了沒有?
如果他/她失落的話, 你應該跟他/她說什麼才最能鼓舞他/她呢?
我給你送上5個錦囊, 輕輕拍拍他/她, 跟他/她說.
[1] 無論發生什麼事, 我都會在你身邊支持你的.
[2] 你而家唔想講, 唔緊要, 到你想講的時候, 你可以隨時找我呀.
[3] 話比我聽你因什麼事唔開心.
[4] 無論點我都會支持你.
[5] 我知道你已經盡左力了.

2009年6月20日 星期六

正生書院 劉皇發 鄉議局 Happy Parenting Anti Depression

很多謝鄉議局和劉皇發先生, 在劉皇發先生的斡旋下, 鄉議局提供四間新界區的學校給正生書院作遷校考慮的多一點的選擇, 給現時正生書院師生與梅窩居民間的僵局, 提供了一扇門. 我謹此希望全港上下抓好這個契機, 愉快與雙贏地解決這個問題. 筆者有幸於1995年在一埸合中認識劉皇發先生, 劉先生是一位很親和的長輩, 給我留下一個正面的印象.

2009年6月16日 星期二

MBTI Happy Parenting 五星酒店

MBTI, 將人大致分為16型. 你想唔想知道自己大概屬邊一型? 有一個方法, 就是你嘗試答以下四個不同的模擬境況. 我會分四次貼出來, 大家有回應後我再出下一個情境.
好, 現在第一個情境:-

你公司的大老闆, 為了慰勞大家一年來的努力, 在五星酒店宴會廳舉辦餐舞會, 同時歡迎你攜眷出席. 當天你要上班, 你的大兒子要上學和要回家換衫褲, 所以約定六點半先在酒店大堂會合才再入宴會廳. 好, 六點半了, 你見到大兒子著住T恤, 牛仔褲前來. 你會點繼續這個晚上?

email : campingx7@gmail.com
blog: sunny-334.blogspot.com

2009年6月14日 星期日

正生書院 索K 父母子女 關愛 Happy Parenting


家長們, 合起眼想一想, 你的子女是否可能在100多間中學的其中一間呢? 甚至是否可能是其中一個「索K」青少年呢? 是你肯定知道不是, 還是你只是不肯定, 不知道呢? 如果不幸是的話, 你想將他/她送入懲教署還是正生書院呢? 那一個方法更有可能讓我們得回自己的子女呢?

這些問題都很刺人, 但我們不能躲避。正生書院可以說多辦幾間, 也不足以應付現在社會趨勢的境況, 但全香港又有幾多個辦學團體願意辦類似正生書院的學校呢? 大家又何必令碩果僅存的正生書院走投無路, 更何必在那些孩子們在努力以赴地改過的虎口中, 再在他們的心刺多兩刀呢?

「索K」青少年問題已經向所有的家長們再次敲響警號, 不應只停留在管束子女, 更需要的是關愛子女, 讓他們感受到父母的愛, 讓他們感受到他們在你心中的重要性, 無論是事前防範他們被壞東西引誘, 又或是事後促使他們有決心有動力, 走上艱辛的回頭是岸之路, 所不能或缺的核心力量。

開心父母 Happy Parenting MBTI

新鮮報告! 我剛在09年6月做了一次MBTI分析, MBTI是一種性格類型工具(16型), 以便對自己增加多一點點了解.
我原來屬ESFJ型, 按報告, 我有以下的主要特徵.
[1] 有愛心, 盡責, 合作.
[2] 渴望有和諧的環境, 而且有決心營造這樣的理想.
[3] 喜歡和別人共事以能準確地, 準時地完成工作.
[4] 忠誠, 即使在細微的事情上也如此.
[5] 能夠注意別人在日常生活中的需要而努力供應他們.
[6] 渴望別人讚賞他們和欣賞他們所作的貢獻.
認識我的朋友們, 請講一講你有沒無同感, 或異議, 或補充, 都無任歡迎.
想了解MBTI的所有人, 特別是為人父母的, 想在自己家中 能夠更加知己知彼, 與配偶或子女更快樂地相處, 歡迎與我交流與聯絡, 一齊來學做開心父母!

2009年6月12日 星期五

密歇根大學, 女性多一個辦法減壓 Anti Depression


Washington, June 11: Men might argue that the last thing women need is another reason to gossip but scientists have discovered that it could be good for their health.
The research reveals a woman is happier and healthier if she enjoys a regular chat with her female friend because it boosts levels of progesterone, a hormone shown to reduces levels of anxiety and stress.
Scientists at the University of Michigan, who carried out the study, said progesterone plays an important part in social bonding and also makes women more willing to help other
people in trouble, even if it means risking their own lives in the process.
"Many of the hormones involved in bonding and helping behaviour lead to reductions in stress and anxiety," said Professor Stephanie Brown, who led the research. "Now we see
that higher levels of progesterone may be part of the underlying basis of these effects."
Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries in women. Among other things, it prepares the womb for pregnancy, fights infection and stops the over-production of
oestrogen that could raise the risk of cancer.
Scientists already knew higher levels of progesterone increased a woman's desire to bond with others. But the latest research, published in the journal Hormones and
Behaviour, is the first to show gossiping and chatting can actually stimulate its production.
Researchers recruited 160 female students and took saliva samples to check their levels of progesterone. They were then put in pairs. Half were given questions to ask each
other designed to bring them closer together. These included "Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?" and "What has been your
greatest accomplishment?" The other pairs were asked to proofread a research paper on botany together. After 20 minutes, the volunteers had their hormone levels checked
The students who got to know each other through 'chatty' questions saw progesterone levels either stay the same or increase. In the other group, progesterone actually declined.
Professor Brown added: It's important to find the links between biological mechanisms and human social behaviour. These links help us understand why people in close relationships are happier, healthier and live longer than those who are socially isolated. (Agencies)

2009年5月12日 星期二

Influenza A H1N1 Swine Influenza preventive measures

The recent outbreak of Influenza A(H1N1) (also known a "Human Swine Influenza") is spreading rapidly worldwide, with the possibility of developing into a new pandemic that threatens the health of the world population.

Despite the successful containment of its first confirmed infection case from developing into a community outbreak, the threat posed by Influenza A(H1N1) to Hong Kong is nevertheless on the rise. The fight against this new disease will be a long one that requires continuous vigilance and effort.

To increase the understanding of this infection and its preventive measures by the public, the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine has launched a website entitled "Influenza A(H1N1) InfoDesk" (甲型H1N1流感資訊站) at


In addition to basic information on Influenza A(H1N1), including its etiology, epidemiology, clinical aspects, and preventive measures, the website also carries updated information on the latest developments and statistics of the disease.

2009年4月30日 星期四

Pandemic Influenza, H1N1 Flu, 豬流感, H1N1人類流感

Pandemic Alert Phase 5

Pandemic Influenza, H1N1 Flu

Please be informed that the World Health Organization has already stepped up the Pandemic Alert to Phase 5, meaning that there is "human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries. While most countries will not be affected at this stage, the declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to finalize the organization, communication, and implementation of the planned mitigation measures is short."

新聞簡報: 由於H1N1人類流感(豬流感)疫症持續擴大,世衛宣布,將流感警告升至第5級,並警告大爆發危機迫近!

口罩大搶購! 淨係買口罩有無用!

為你和你的家人著想, 找一樣東西能夠有效地, 將你家居的空氣殺菌和消毒, 才是上上之策略! 2003年SARS爆發時, 香港醫管局曾在各醫院中使用此產品, 可證其有效性 (請參考以下文件).

如有興趣購用此產品, 以應對豬流感疫症持續擴大, 請以電郵聯絡我 campingx7@gmail.com.

文件 http://www.snt-net.com/apnet/images/photo/tb_prd_lb_17.jpg

2009年2月13日 星期五

Valentine's Day is coming to town !

Today is Feb 13. Tomorrow will be the Valentine's Day.

What is the best blessing to your beloved???

Yes, good health.



2009年1月21日 星期三

Get new health in the new year 2009

I get "visible" fats at the "abdominal ring" area. I know that it can be the source and/or a risk factor of a number of illnesses, e.g. hypertension, diabetes, hyper-cholesterol and heart-attack, etc. Towards the end of last year, a few days before Christmas, I made up my mind that I have to do something about it.

I follow a "Loss weight, Loss fat" program. I will share with you the progress as it proceeds. I really want to get new health in the new year 2009.


2009年1月5日 星期一

Happy New Year! Happy with emotional challenges.

Happy New Year to my readers!

Want to share with you two "emotional challenges" of mine in the last couples of days.

First one, on the first day of 2009, a public holiday, at an excom meeting of an NGO, I was being openly complained of "PR duty under-performed for no promotion results in the last few months". What a "dead-cat"! No specific task, and no additional resources. What could I do? I sort of over-reacted at the instance. I got unhappy for the following days. Now I get much better, because I prepared a PR proposal on last Friday and today, and had just sent it out to other members today. What a pressure release!

Second one, on January2, I was asked by a friend "What is your dream? What is your driving force for your upcoming life?" At the instance, my brain got stucked up. I asked myself again and again, yet no satisfactory answer. Up till today, still no. A bit of anxiety about this situation. HELP!

Can you help me?