2009年1月21日 星期三

Get new health in the new year 2009

I get "visible" fats at the "abdominal ring" area. I know that it can be the source and/or a risk factor of a number of illnesses, e.g. hypertension, diabetes, hyper-cholesterol and heart-attack, etc. Towards the end of last year, a few days before Christmas, I made up my mind that I have to do something about it.

I follow a "Loss weight, Loss fat" program. I will share with you the progress as it proceeds. I really want to get new health in the new year 2009.


2009年1月5日 星期一

Happy New Year! Happy with emotional challenges.

Happy New Year to my readers!

Want to share with you two "emotional challenges" of mine in the last couples of days.

First one, on the first day of 2009, a public holiday, at an excom meeting of an NGO, I was being openly complained of "PR duty under-performed for no promotion results in the last few months". What a "dead-cat"! No specific task, and no additional resources. What could I do? I sort of over-reacted at the instance. I got unhappy for the following days. Now I get much better, because I prepared a PR proposal on last Friday and today, and had just sent it out to other members today. What a pressure release!

Second one, on January2, I was asked by a friend "What is your dream? What is your driving force for your upcoming life?" At the instance, my brain got stucked up. I asked myself again and again, yet no satisfactory answer. Up till today, still no. A bit of anxiety about this situation. HELP!

Can you help me?